Appreciate the assistance. I agree that there should be no issue as I have the device currently logging to a 2003 server running an older version of Kiwi Syslog. Are there known issues with Server 2008 R2? or x64 OS?
1. Yes service is started
2. Not sure what this is as have never used it before. I see the log to Kiwi syslog web access action, but that is not a configured action at this point.
3. Viewing Display 00. I have tried to change the display with no effect.
4. Default actions of Display and Log to File are the only actions set. I have removed the check from Log to File while troubleshooting.
Test messages within the program work fine. I have disabled the windows firewall on the server. I have verified that the UDP port 514 is not in use before starting the syslog service. After the service is started, the port is bound by the syslog service. I have tried to bind the UDP input to the IP address of the server but the error log shows "Unable to bind to specified address and port". Checking netstat -aon, the port is still on If I restart the syslog service, the port will be bound to the ip address I specified, but still no logs coming in. I'm assuming that error shows because at the time of change, the service has the 514 port bound to any available adapter. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the software, again with no effect.