KSS does not have CLI options, you know.
There is a method of automatically setting ini file.
Open Kiwi Console.
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Search "Using an INI file to automatically configure the settings"
Using an INI file to automatically configure the settings
Normally the program settings are read from the registry when the program starts. If you want to modify the
settings remotely, you can place an special INI file in the install folder and it will be used to load the settings
from. This INI file can be copied to the folder from a remote machine if you want. The next time the program
starts, it will read the settings from the INI file and write them into the registry for next time. The special INI
file will then be deleted to indicate that the settings have been read. To stop the INI file from being deleted,
simply enable the Read Only file attribute for that file.
On start-up the program looks for a file named "LoadNewSettings.ini" in the install folder. (Normally C:
\Program files\Syslogd). If found, the settings are read from the INI file and placed in the registry under the
normal Syslogd registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\SolarWinds\Syslogd
The file is then deleted so that it won't be loaded again. The program then reads the settings from the registry
and starts as normal. The settings found in the INI file will have overwritten any existing registry settings.
The INI file can be any valid Kiwi Syslog Server INI file. To export settings use the File | Export menu or the
Defaults/Import/Export option from the setup screen.
The INI file is not meant to be modified by hand because it contains many encoded settings for the rules,
actions and filters. However, if you need to modify the settings manually to change drive letters (D: to C: for
example), this can be done with search and replace in notepad. Do not try to change any encoded strings as it
may cause unexpected results when the program tries to read the INI file back in.
If in doubt, contact http://www.kiwisyslog.com/support/ for assistance.
Best Regards,