Hello kstone,
Thank you for the quick response.
I used the test script that comes with Kiwi that flips dog and cat using the Fields.VarCleanMessageText variable and that works.
I see that in your script that you reference two environment variables Fields.VarCleanMessageText which would populate anything using CleanMsg and arrsplits which would populate anything with split(CleanMsg, ",")
Function Main()
CleanMsg = Fields.VarCleanMessageText
arrSplits = split(CleanMsg, ",")
Fields.VarCleanMessageText = arrsplits(2) & VbCrLf & arrSplits(7) & VbCrLf & arrSplits(8) & VbCrLf & arrSplits(12)
Main = "OK"
End Function
wscript.echo "arrSplits(" & x & "): " & item & VbCrLf
If I run a test it says Unexpected Next on line 23. If I could get this to work with some data, I could probably reverse engineer the script to gather the data I need.