I've got a set of 3 Kiwi servers sitting behind an F5, which I *thought* would effectively load balance the incoming syslog volume (I'm seeing around 5-8million messages per hour, and we haven't really turned everything on yet).
The problem, I just discovered, is that F5 load balances based on connections, not messages/packets. So round robin isn't round robin since most of my sending systems are passing new messages (and therefore creating a connection) more than even the lowest "disconnect after" option on the F5 (which is 1 second).
So my first server is maxing out at about 5million MPH and 0% buffer, while server 02 gets 2million messages and 80% buffer, and server 03 gets barely anything at all.
Has anyone else tried this, and have you found a work around (it doesn't have to be an F5. I just need the ability to create a pool of Kiwi servers and have all the systems in my enterprise sending to ONE ip address.
- Leon