Are there any known issues with Server 2012 and Kiwi Syslog reports? We get a nightly report regarding top users, free space on the logging drive, etc -- the usual stuff. But on the only 2012 server we have, the report keeps coming through mangled (column formatting lost), like this:
/// Kiwi Syslog Server Statistics ///<br/>---------------------------------------------------<br/>24 hour period ending on: Tue, 04 Feb 2014 00:00:00<br/>Syslog Server started on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 20:09:16<br/>Syslog Server uptime: 1 day, 3 hours, 35 minutes<br/>---------------------------------------------------<br/><br/>+ Messages received - Total: 3074669<br/>+ Messages received - Last 24 hours: 2757881<br/>+ Messages received - Since Midnight: 2677931<br/>+ Messages received - Last hour: 105004<br/>+ Message queue overflow - Last hour: 0<br/>+ Messages received - This hour: 60751<br/>+ Message queue overflow - This hour: 0<br/>+ Messages per hour - Average: 112380<br/><br/>+ Messages forwarded: 319<br/>+ Messages logged to disk: 2677947<br/><br/>+ Errors - Logging to disk: 0<br/>+ Errors - Invalid priority tag: 0<br/>+ Errors - No priority tag: 0<br/>+ Errors - Oversize message: 0<br/><br/>+ Disk space remaining on drive E: 19477 MB<br/><br/>---------------------------------------------------<br/><br/><br/> Breakdown of Syslog messages by sending host <br/>+--------------------------+------------+------------+<br/>| Top 25 Hosts | Messages | Percentage |<br/>+--------------------------+------------+------------+<br/>| xx.xx.xx.51 | 931061 | 34.77% |<br/>| xx.xx.xx.50 | 815957 | 30.47% |<br/>| xx.xx.xx.53 | 407432 | 15.21% |<br/>| xx.xx.xx.54 | 375649 | 14.03% |<br/>| xx.xx.xx.245 | 10020 | 0.37% |<br/>| xx.xx.xx.115 | 6374 | 0.24% |<br/>| xx.xx.xx.110 | 3190 | 0.12% |<br/>| xx.xx.xx.112 | 3177 | 0.12% |<br/>| xx.xx.xx.33 | 3000 | 0.11% |<br/>| xx.xx.xx.120 | 2950 | 0.11% |<br/>| xx.xx.xx.95 | 2872 | 0.11% |<br/>| xx.xx.xx.69 | 2806 | 0.10% |<br/>| xx.xx.xx.144 | 2657 | 0.10% |<br/>| xx.xx.xx.143 | 2501 | 0.09% |<br/>| xx.xx.xx.60 | 2345 | 0.09% |<br/>| xx.xx.xx.125 | 2336 | 0.09% |<br/>| xx.xx.xx.3 | 2336 | 0.09% |<br/>| xx.xx.xx.127 | 2335 | 0.09% |<br/>| xx.xx.xx.117 | 2335 | 0.09% |<br/>| xx.xx.xx.61 | 2331 | 0.09% |<br/>| xx.xx.xx.126 | 2330 | 0.09% |<br/>| xx.xx.xx.7 | 2330 | 0.09% |<br/>| xx.xx.xx.250 | 2300 | 0.09% |<br/>| xx.xx.xx.1 | 2298 | 0.09% |<br/>| xx.xx.xx.56 | 2255 | 0.08% |<br/>| All others (96) | 82754 | 3.09% |<br/>+--------------------------+------------+------------+<br/><br/><br/> Breakdown of Syslog messages by severity <br/>+--------------------+------------+------------+<br/>| Message Level | Messages | Percentage |<br/>+--------------------+------------+------------+<br/>| 0 - Emerg | 0 | 0.00% |<br/>| 1 - Alert | 0 | 0.00% |<br/>| 2 - Critical | 638 | 0.02% |<br/>| 3 - Error | 27926 | 1.04% |<br/>| 4 - Warning | 20075 | 0.75% |<br/>| 5 - Notice | 7943 | 0.30% |<br/>| 6 - Info | 2605942 | 97.31% |<br/>| 7 - Debug | 15407 | 0.58% |<br/>+--------------------+------------+------------+<br/><br/>Custom statistics<br/>-----------------<br/>CustomStats01: 0<br/>CustomStats02: 0<br/>CustomStats03: 0<br/>CustomStats04: 0<br/>CustomStats05: 0<br/>CustomStats06: 0<br/>CustomStats07: 0<br/>CustomStats08: 0<br/>CustomStats09: 0<br/>CustomStats10: 0<br/>CustomStats11: 0<br/>CustomStats12: 0<br/>CustomStats13: 0<br/>CustomStats14: 0<br/>CustomStats15: 0<br/>CustomStats16: 0<br/><br/>End of Report.<br/>
If I reinstall Syslog, the problem goes away for a while, then comes back.