I was wondering if any one has come across this error before, I am unable to find the cause
2013-02-14 12:27:04 Mail error: Type mismatch
2013-02-14 12:27:04 Requeuing 2 e-mail messages. Will retry in 1 minute.
02-14-2013 12:27:04 PI SMTP Server: smtp.X.X.X.X
02-14-2013 12:27:04 PI SMTP Port:
02-14-2013 12:27:04 PI SMTP Timeout: 30
02-14-2013 12:27:04 PI Message to: X@email.com
02-14-2013 12:27:04 PI Message from: y@email.com
02-14-2013 12:27:04 PI Subject: Syslog message from HOST
02-14-2013 12:27:04 PI Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2013 12:27:04 +1000
02-14-2013 12:27:04 PI Mail error: Type mismatch
I think it is resulting in delay in receiving emails and retransmissions