Sorry my post was confusing, I don't have it backwards, but I just wanted to cover both bases just in case I did have it backwards.
If you are seeing the SNMP messages in the Kiwi Web access, then it is already getting through and being accepted by the Kiwi service. So your SNMP setup at the bottom under inputs is ok. The problem has got to be the filters on your rule so let's start there. What are you filtering?
Also, if you are using input source as a filter, stop doing that and change it to filter on hostname and then messagetext and let me know if that resolves your problrm. If not in either case, send me the full text of the message you are looking for and a list of what filters you are using and how you have them setup. If they contain proprietary info and you feel comfortable sending it, you can PM me, or just change the IPs to protect the innocent.