You will need to run a script action. Here is a script we have for a similar use:
'Script to take the account locked out event logs, build a data dictionary, publish to a web page, check for unlocks and expire the events.
''Sample data
'2012-11-30 08:52:25,Local1.Notice,DOMAINCONTROLLER.domain.local,"Nov 30 08:52:25 DOMAINCONTROLLER MSWinEventLog 5 Security 25335525 Fri Nov 30 08:52:22 2012 644 Security NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM N/A Audit SuccessDOMAINCONTROLLER 7 User Account Locked Out:
' Target Account Name: USERNAME
' Target Account ID: %{S-1-5-21-35927030-1879076691-1865945288-67345}
' Caller Machine Name: USERCOMPUTER
' Caller Domain: DOMAIN
' Caller Logon ID: (0x0,0x3E7)"
Function Main()
Dim Connection
Dim Recordset
vDate = "'" & Fields.VarDate & "'"
vTime = "'" & Fields.VarTime & "'"
vPeerAddress = "'" & Fields.VarPeerAddress & "'"
'SQL statement that queries the database for open events
SQLAcctLocks = "select * from kiwilogs.Syslog_AcctLocks where LockCleared is null"
SQLAcctLocksInsert = "INSERT INTO Syslog_AcctLocks (MsgDate,MsgTime,MsgPriority,MsgHostname,MsgText) VALUES (VDate,vtime,'Local1.Notice',vPeerAddress,'This is a test message from Kiwi Syslog Server')
'create an instance of the ADO connection and recordset objects
Set ConnectionAcctLocks = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set RecordsetAcctLocks = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
'open the connection to the kiwi database
ConnectionAcctLocks.Open "DSN=kiwilogs"
'Open the recordset object executing the SQL statement and return records
RecordsetAcctLocks.Open SQLAcctLocks,ConnectionAcctLocks
CleanMsg = Fields.VarCleanMessageText
arrSplits = split(CleanMsg, chr(13))
arrSplitsMsg = split(arrSplits(0), chr(9))
if instr(arrSplits(0), "User Account Locked Out") > 0 then
arrTargetAcctName = split(arrSplits(2), ":")
arrCallerMachineName = split(arrSplits(6), ":")
arrCallerUserName = split(arrSplits(8), ":")
Fields.VarCleanMessageText = trim(replace(arrSplitsMsg(12),":","")) + "," + trim(arrTargetAcctName(1)) + "," + trim(arrCallerMachineName(1)) + "," + trim(arrCallerUserName(1))
elseif instr(arrSplits(0), "User Account Unlocked") > 0 then
arrTargetAcctName = split(arrSplits(2), ":")
'arrCallerMachineName = split(arrSplits(6), ":")
arrCallerUserName = split(arrSplits(8), ":")
Fields.VarCleanMessageText = trim(replace(arrSplitsMsg(12),":","")) + "," + trim(arrTargetAcctName(1)) + "," + trim(arrCallerUserName(1))
end if
Main = "OK"
End Function