I think you mean the default Syslog view under HOME tab.
It is not possible to group the way you describe over there. However, you can add 'Last XX Syslog Messages' resources to any Summary view. You can Edit that resource add find examples to define filters on Node properties.
Filter Examples
A few example filters are: Only display Syslog Messages of s specified type MessageType Like 'PIX*' Only show messages of Severity Level 6 (Informational) SysLogSeverity=6
Filters can be complex SQL statements (Vendor Like 'Cisco') AND ( (MessageType Like 'PIX*') OR (MessageType Like 'SYS*')) (Nodes.DNS Like '*.SolarWinds.Net') OR (SysLog.IPAddress Like '10.1.*') (Message NOT Like '*outside*') AND (Message NOT Like '*inside*') |