After upgrading to v9.5.1, from v9.5.0, we started experiencing constant crashing on our console. Other than a few minor quirks and annoyances, the previous version had not really crashed too often after we applied the hotfix.
Windows Server 2012
4 CPUs(2 Cores per Socket, 2 Sockets)
150 GB Hard Disk
Kiwi Syslog Server, Installed as a Service
I began to notice the message buffer would quickly drop down from 100%, shortly after starting up the console. Sometimes we would only reach 43K MPH before crashing, while other times we made it up around 350K+ MPH before crashing. And, every time it would crash, the message buffer would be far away from 100%. Previously, the message buffer rarely, if ever, dropped under 100% free.
After reading through various other user issues of the past, I found something that mentioned the "MsgBufferSize" settings in the registry. I went looking into the registry for those settings, however, "MsgBufferSize" was nowhere to be found. I added the "MsgBufferSize" with the value of "10000000", which is shown to be the max value. After adding the settings into the registry, and restarting everything, our system appears to be running fairly smooth, so far. Currently, we are roughly around 430K MPH, with a full 100% buffer free.
Previously posted thread regarding the "MsgBufferSize" registry entry:
Registry values documentation:
Section: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\SolarWinds\Syslogd\Properties
Value (STRING): MsgBufferSize
Registered mode:
Min value: 100
Max value: 10000000 (10 million)
Default value: 500000
Type: Maximum number of message buffer entries
So, did something change from 9.5.0 to 9.5.1 that would have removed those settings from the registry? If not, then what else would have removed the entry altogether? Or, has the "MsgBufferSize" registry entry been removed all along, and the documentation just not updated? If it has been removed, and is not used anymore, then why would adding the entry back into the registry make everything suddenly start working again?
Thank you,