Re: Syslog web access filter
Hi bkyle, I still need to set a date too. I has try to do it set it this 2 way, but fail to get the result needed.
View ArticleRe: Display original source of message when logs are aggregated through...
Hi Ryan, Looking at your original post, it looks to me like your problem is how you configure the forwarding from the RSyslog server rather than forwarding from Kiwi. Kiwi already has the ability to...
View ArticleHelp needed in developing a script to remap priority and remove unwanted...
New to Kiwi Syslog and scripting in general. I am trying to develop a script or a method within kiwi to take the incoming snmp message and then display and log the following components of the message....
View ArticleRe: Help needed in developing a script to remap priority and remove unwanted...
For VbScript you can do a split on the comma into an array then only use the elements you want to create the new message: msgarray = split(Fields.VarCleanMessageText,",") wantedfield1 =...
View ArticleKiwi Syslog Console Crashing Constantly After Upgrading 9.5.0 To 9.5.1
After upgrading to v9.5.1, from v9.5.0, we started experiencing constant crashing on our console. Other than a few minor quirks and annoyances, the previous version had not really crashed too often...
View ArticleRe: Kiwi Syslog Console Crashing Constantly After Upgrading 9.5.0 To 9.5.1
Have you applied any hotfixes?
View ArticleRe: Kiwi Syslog Console Crashing Constantly After Upgrading 9.5.0 To 9.5.1
bkyle On the previous version, 9.5.0, I had applied the "Syslog v9.5.0 - Hot Fix 3", and everything worked fairly well, for the most part. After upgrading to version 9.5.1, I did not initially apply...
View ArticleRe: Kiwi Syslog Console Crashing Constantly After Upgrading 9.5.0 To 9.5.1
Well, 4 days later, after re-installing v9.5.0, instead/over v9.5.1, everything is still running smoothly. 100% buffer free, and has not dropped even 1% since reverting back to previous version/adding...
View ArticleKiwi 9.4.1 "** INTERNAL PROGRAM ERROR | Error Number: 401 | **"
Hello I don’t know if this is the proper place where looking for help about Kiwi syslog 9.4.1. Sorry if I wrong. End customer is using free Kiwi Syslog 9.4. for interconnect a Cisco Call Manager...
View ArticleRe: Kiwi 9.4.1 "** INTERNAL PROGRAM ERROR | Error Number: 401 | **"
This error is usually caused by one of our dll or ocx file getting unregistered. This can happen after an Microsoft update. Please try reinstalling Kiwi Syslog over the top of your current install....
View ArticleMultiple logs on free version
Hello, Just curious if I should be able to accept logs from two devices and separate them with filters into two displays and logs using the free version or do you need the paid version to be able to do...
View ArticleRe: Multiple logs on free version
The free version will allow you to split logs based on date, time and priority, but not Input Source, Host IP, Hostame or Message Text.
View ArticleRe: Multiple logs on free version
Thanks for the quick response! That is what I figured, just wanted to clarify before spending the big bucks.
View ArticleRe: Multiple logs on free version
Here is a quick comparison: Syslog Server Comparison | Kiwi
View ArticleRe: Filter rules, IP range or subnet
Not how syslog works. All the filters do is extract the information from the syslog your sending to the kiwi syslog server and shows the filtered results.
View ArticleRe: Filter rules, IP range or subnet
The IP Address/Range filters do filter on source IP and not the content of the syslog message. In order to filter on message content, you have to use the message filters and regex expressions or write...
View ArticleRe: Filter rules, IP range or subnet
Well i could be wrong but i have not found any solarwinds documentation reporting kiwi syslog as a packet sniffer. As far as im aware its based off syslog.
View ArticleRe: Filter rules, IP range or subnet
Thanks, Acy. I should really have said "the source IP from the IP datagram" to be more accurate. That source IP is captured by Kiwi, jamesatloop1. However, that doesn't make it a packet sniffer....
View ArticleKiwi Syslog Server Logging to Wrong Directory
Hi, we are running Kiwi Syslog V9.5.0.298 & have configured it to log to the D drive of the server, yet, it seems to want to log to the C drive. I have updated the settings, restated the service,...
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